Improving People’s Lives Daily through

Corporate Social Responsibility.

As a leading manufacturer, packager, and distributor of OTC pharmaceutical products and consumer healthcare goods, PLD remains staunchly committed to environmental sustainability and social compliance. From our people to our products to our partners, we pledge to uphold socially compliant practices and work to reduce our environmental impact to better the world in which we all live.

PL Developments Headquarters

Environmental Sustainability

Our environmental sustainability priorities are focused on reducing energy costs, waste volumes, and greenhouse gas emissions arising from our operations. Learn more

PL Developments Headquarters


At PL Developments, people are our greatest investment and the foundation of our success.
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PL Developments Headquarters


With more than 1,700 employees across four states, PLD has the power and resources to truly make a difference.
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Environmental Sustainability

Across our organization, PLD has taken significant steps to reduce the environmental impact of our operations and products.


• Establish and implement initiatives for minimizing hazardous and non-hazardous waste
• Implement reuse and recycling programs
• Choose responsible waste vendors to manage our waste



• Ensure water use is controlled and water waste is pretreated before environmental release



• Conserve natural resources and reduce energy use throughout our operations
• Increase our investment in renewable energy and retrofit programs
• Implement a robust preventative maintenance program for optimal performance

Supply Chain

• Minimize materials used and maximize use of recycled or renewable materials
• Implement packaging best practices across all facilities
• Support How2Recycle with participating retailers, to improve recycle labeling


Employee Engagement

• Encourage employees to actively participate in sustainability efforts and initiatives
• Train employees to recognize that environmental sustainability impacts decisions they make and strive to mitigate their environmental impact


Continuous Improvement 

• Establish annual goals and targets to track our global performance each year
• Periodically review our environmental sustainability performance with Executive Leadership Team

PLD has focused on diverting waste from landfills throughout our operations to reduce our environmental footprint. 

Across our NY facilities alone, PLD has reduced annual electricity usage by 158,430 KW by using energy efficient LED lighting fixtures and motion sensors. This has resulted in an estimated annual energy savings of more than $150,000. For these efforts we were proudly recognized as a “Green Business Leader” from PSEG Long Island.

In conjunction with participating retailers, PLD supports How2Recycle to create standardized labeling that clearly displays recycling instructions to consumers.

In 2024 alone, PL Developments contributed to the repurposing of an impressive 457,123 recycled containers into handles by choosing PakTech.


As our Founder, Mitch Singer, always says, “You can’t spell PEOPLE without PL.”
Providing our employees with a healthy, safe, and fair working environment is paramount to our organization.

At PLD, our employees can expect…

• Compliance with all local, state, and federal laws to ensure full and equal employment opportunity

• A workplace free from discrimination or harassment of any kind

• A zero-tolerance policy toward workplace violence against or by employees

• A clean, safe, and hazard-free working environment in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

• A comprehensive benefits package, 401k, PTO, Family and Medical leave, Tuition Reimbursement benefit, and training and development opportunities. This includes on-the-job training programs, Talent Development workshops, and PLD University — an on-going program that allows office staff and plant management to choose from a range of self-directed courses to help take their business skills to the next level


Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
—Helen Keller

Throughout the year, PLD teams come together to support various causes and community efforts. Many of these projects let us give back locally, where we can see first hand the positive impact of our efforts.

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